Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Kim Kardashian's Marriage, William McKinley's Second Term, and a Red Blood Cell's Life Span

What do all these things have in common? Well, they all are shorter than the amount of time I have lived in NYC. On December 1st, I officially have lived in NYC for 6 months. Wowza!! These six months have flown by! I cannot believe how quickly life up here has become the norm and how easily God has made this transition for me. So here are a few things that I have done/experienced over the past 6 months:

1. The NYC Seasons: I lived in one of the hottest summers of my whole life and (miraculously) survived. And then there was Fall. Oh. My. Word. Gorgeous! The fall colors in Central Park? Breathtaking. Also, Fall lasted about 2.1 seconds. And now on to Winter. Where I am now. The wind is RIDICULOUS! I'm just waiting for a girl with red slippers and a dog named Todo to show up. I did experience my first snow the other day. Beautiful!! I can't wait for a big snow where it covers the streets!!

2. Holidays: I had my first birthday and first Thanksgiving away from my family. I missed them very much and it makes me cherish and appreciate when we do get to spend time together. I had some friends from TN spend time in the city over Thanksgiving. We got to see the parade (AMAZING) and have an amazing Friendsgiving feast before I worked on Thanksgiving night.

3. Spanish: My Spanish vocabulary has grown exponentially since moving here. I still can't hold a conversation or even ask what the weather is but I have learned many useful words especially related to my profession. Medicina para dolor in cabasa. No hablo espanol. Un piquinto sangre. (Yep I know I butchered the spelling and grammar of those. That's some East TN Spanglish for you!)

4. 65 miles: This is the distance I have walked to and from work alone (not including everywhere else) since living here. I walk most of the places I go and definitely have adjusted to life without a car.

5. Brooklyn: I love Brooklyn!! It is such a pretty part of the city and if I were rich beyond compare, I could totally see myself living in Dumbo. I love Brooklyn for many reasons (including one of my besties lives there). Everyone should experience L&B Spumoni Gardens pizza before you die. Seriously the best in the whole city!!!

6. Membership: I joined a church here in the city and am beyond blessed by the community of believers. CCF has taught me what community looks like, how family-away-from-family feels, and what Jesus really meant by "Go and make disciples". I can't say enough about my church and friends I have made there.

7. Friends: I am seriously so blessed in this department. Who knew the first girl I talked to about bible study at church would end up becoming my best friend? Who knew that a random lunch after church with another girl would end up blossoming in to a friendship with someone who is seriously the New York version of me? Who knew that the first guy I talked to at church would end up working with me and I would seriously be so blessed by our friendship? Who knew that the 2 girls that my bestie lives with would become very dear friends to me and 2 girls who I seriously look up to? Who knew that a mother of 3 from Jersey would end up bringing me in to her world and discipling me in my walk with Christ? Who knew that a pint-sized girl from Queens would seriously make me laugh harder and love deeper than most others? Who knew that 2 houses of guys would love on me and my sisters in Christ and show me what Biblical manhood looks like lived out in NYC? Who knew that a girl from Jersey who takes the bus weekly to the Heights would touch my heart and teach me about passion for Christ? Who knew that a nurse from SoHo would keep me sane during my crazy shifts at work and become a bestie almost immediately? Who knew my Jamaican beauty from Queens would teach me about relaxing and taking life in strides? God knew. Before I moved here. Before I even thought about moving here. I could go on and on and on about all the people in my life that have shaped me and molded me here in NYC. I love all of them dearly and can't remember what my life was like before them. Jesus is good. So so good.

8. Deaths: Since moving here, I have had 2 family members and my guinea pig die. While I was of course deeply saddened, I learned that God is the supplier of many things, including peace and comfort. I am thankful I got to go to TN for a few days after one of deaths.

There have been so many other places and moments and emotions I have experienced here that I cannot find words for at this time. I am so beyond blessed for this chapter in my life. I love all the people and experiences I have lived. And its only been 6 months. I can't wait for what the next 6 months-even 6 years- here hold!