Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Happiness and Hot Flashes

“Happiness is only real when shared" -Jon Krakauer, Into The Wild

I absolutely LOVE this quote! I am experiencing a happiness that I haven't known before and all I want to do is share it with you! Since the last time I have posted, God has been working so much in my heart and life. There are so many ways that God has revealed himself to me!.

I have been getting to know a lot more people at church and am actually starting to make some friends at church. There are a couple of girls who have been so welcoming and have really been so kind. Last week, a pipe in my apartment burst and they had to tear down the wall in my bathroom, remove my toilet, and turn off my water. No big deal had I been in TN where I can stay with my parents or one of my friends. Here, I didn't really know anybody and didn't have anywhere to stay. I called one of the girls I've become friends with and she basically welcomed me with open arms and no time limit. What a blessing! So yes, the pipe bursting was inconvenient and scary but what a blessing it was! I got to see how hospitable and caring this girl is.

I have been going to a bible study that really has been such a blessing. The Lord is working in the lives of everyone that attends and is challenging me in every aspect of my life. These people love you but don't let you stay in your sin. They constantly encourage openness and confession with each other (which is totally the way it should be in a community).

I have started work as well. Lots and lots of learning and classes have been happening. I am so excited to really get in the swing of things. I know this job is going to challenge me but I am so excited to see how God is going to work in the lives of me and my co-workers!

So in regards to the title of this post, I am so happy living here. But let me tell you, summers in NYC are so unbearably hot. It is so muggy and hot at all hours of the day (example: It's 11:00 at night and 77 degrees outside). I have permanently decided that I will not look nice anywhere I go because I just sweat all the time. Is this TMI?

I had my "I-Am-A-True-New-Yorker-Now" moment the other day. I had gone to Times Square to meet a friend from home for dinner. On my way back, I was asked by 2 different people about the subway and directions. And I actually knew the answer!! It really is the little things.

I want to close this post with encouragement for all of you. I have learned that God will use things that we would see as inconvenient or even suffering and turn them in to blessings. We don't understand why we go through things but God never promised that we wouldn't face adversity but that He would be there for us through it all. I pray that whatever you are going through in your life, no matter how big or small it may seem to you, look to God. He is there. He wants you to grow and lean on Him. And He will use your suffering to draw others to Christ as well. So instead of constantly questioning and fighting the suffering, I encourage you to pray and seek Christ. But I also encourage you who may not be suffering right now to look to those around you to see how you can help. Be thankful that God is allowing this time for you but I encourage you not to get comfortable in the comfort but to reach out to those in need. And please know that if you are needing something or needing prayer, please don't hesitate to ask!

Please don't see the above statements and think that I am suffering. God is blessing me in ways I could never have imagined. I have definitely had rough days and days where I have missed my family and friends tremendously but I know that God is using this time in my life to shape and mold me. I am truly happy and am so thankful for Christ and the promise of the Gospel!