Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Process of Becoming Different

"The Process of Becoming Different." That is the Wikipedia definition for change. Never has there been a truer definition for my life. I am becoming different. I am living somewhere different and can already tell there are differences about myself. I want to apologize in advance because this post won't be as serious as my past posts but there have been too many experiences for me not to share (And don't worry, I'll get serious at the end).

When moving in to an old building, there are many things that someone from the south needs to consider. Central heating and air...doesn't exist. Air conditioners and fans will be your best friends. I remember summers past where its been so hot that you're sticky and you jump in the pool just to gain some relief. Not here. Its a humidity that I'm not used to so sticky is definitely applicable but a pool? Yep, I've got a bathtub and that's about it. Oh, and Manhattan is an island so there is that water if you are wanting to get every disease known to man by dipping your left big toe in the water.

Another challenge living in an apartment here is the plugs. Sounds silly but grounded plugs didn't exist "pre-war". My bedroom has 1 outlet with 2 plugs. Having to become a minimalist. (Haha that's what I call a "first world problem").

This is by far my most favorite thing about NYC. I know I am weird but if you want to know the culture, people, beliefs, hopes, family structures, etc of NY, ride the subway. There have been so many interesting and different types of people that I have seen/met on the subway. Learning the subway system has not been as bad as I thought it would be. I have become best friends with the "HopStop" app but there have been many times I have not used any sort of app or map to find my way around. My subway line has a guy who dresses like Michael Jackson and puts on performances every day on the subway with his boombox and costumes.

I want to do a photo series called "Subway Snoozers". It amazes me how fast and in what ways people fall asleep on the subway. It also amazes me that people know exactly when their stop is and wake up just as the subway stops at their station. I also want to gain the confidence to stand on the subway without holding on to the rails. I fall forward all the time when the train stops/goes unexpectedly so for now I try to sit as much as possible. In my eyes, real New Yorkers sleep and stand without holding on on the subway.

When most people think NYC, they don't think Washington Heights. They think Theater District or Central Park or 5th Ave or even Wall Street but not Washington Heights. It is very different than anything I could have expected. This place has stolen my heart but in a way I could have never imagined. If you all know me, you know I am someone who loves diversity and different cultures. And boy is that true of here! This area is mostly of a Dominican culture. 95% of the people here speak Spanish and most of them speak it as a first or only language. There are some Asian and African American cultures represented here but mostly its Dominican.

I love love love this diversity! I love walking down the street and seeing so many different types of people. This has brought about many challenges and blessings. It has been difficult to live somewhere where I don't speak the same language as many of the people. And between my accent and theirs, it often times turns in to a "what did you say" stand off. God is using this to teach me that I am not in control and that I will have to rely on others. One example of this was a couple of days ago when my mother and I went in to a bakery to order a special dessert. The lady behind the counter didn't speak any English and we tried to count and point to what we wanted. This sweet little old man and lady came beside us and translated. The woman talked a little with my mother and the man had a little conversation with us. If I had spoken Spanish, would those conversations have happened? Would I have realized that one way to meet and love these people in Washington Heights is actually depending on THEM for help? (And don't worry, I plan on learning Spanish by both osmosis and conversationally.)

I thank God daily for this opportunity and am so overwhelmed that He loves me enough to come before me here and establish a home for me. I am thankful that I am learning more about Him and His people all over the world. I am thankful that even though this whole process is new and scary, His presence is making the transition possible and enjoyable.

I have only been to church once but already can sense that God is using these people to do something great in this city. Everyone was so welcoming and inviting and you can tell that they sincerely love Christ. Its so refreshing to be around a group of people who love the Lord in a city that has put money, fame, and power before Him. I love this quote by Margaret Mead and I really get the sense that this is true about the church.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

I pray that wherever you are, you ask God how you can be used to change your city. Be obedient to Christ and what He would have for your life. I guarantee you that He will do immeasurably more with your life than you could ever do on your own. I will leave you with a quote from David Platt, author of one of my favorite books "Radical".

“Radical obedience to Christ is not easy... It's not comfort, not health, not wealth, and not prosperity in this world. Radical obedience to Christ risks losing all these things. But in the end, such risk finds its reward in Christ. And he is more than enough for us.”